Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Camaflouge, and Pink Polka dots.

My photo
My name is Elizabeth Burnett. I have been happily married to Marshall Burnett for 3 years. I have 3 amazing little boys Aidan,bryson,and Carson and a beautiful step daughter Cassidy. My husband is a SGT.in the Army National guard and is currently gearing up for his second overseas tour. It will not be easy but God will see us through. My life is crazy and wonderful all at the same time and I would not change one thing :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bring it!!!!!

So I guess it has been a little over a month since my husband called to ask me what I thought about him reenlisting for 6 years and retiring? I knew the question would arise even though for 2 years straight he said that he was done.finished.getting out. No more deployments no more driving to Savannah once a month. I remember sitting on the bed and listening to every word he said as he carefully explained to me why he wanted to stay in, he explained that he could change his MOS to wheeled vehicle mechanic which he thought would help him secure a civilian job that doesn't require him to travel so much. I listened to all he had to say and then I realized it was quite and he was waiting for my answer. Almost without hesitation I said if that is what you want than you know it is okay with me. I told him what I have always told him that I will support, and stand behind whatever decision he makes. I already new that if he stayed in he would be heading to Afghanistan before the end of summer, and with him changing his MOS he would have to go to school which would mean even less time together and I still said okay. I have no clue what goes on in the mind of a soldier, I will never understand how they can just sign a piece of paper knowing that they will soon be put in harms way and spend at least a year at a time away from their families, I do not know what makes them able to do this over and over again, they are going to wars that at times seem pointless, they are trying to help people that do not want them there and they are being sent by a president that most certainly does not have their best interest at heart and yet they continue to go. I do not understand any of it but I am so thankful that these soldiers exist. Where would we be if they didn't?  So here we are 4 days until he leaves for training.He will be home for a week at the end of April,and a few days in May but then hes gone ,I have tried to prepare but you cant. You can have everything in order but you cannot prepare your heart for the deep sadness that comes the second the bus pulls away and you realize it will be 9 months to a year before you see your husband again. So why did I say yes when my heart was breaking?  I said yes because I knew that he wanted to do this more than hes wanted anything in a long time, I said yes because I know him and I know he would never make a decision like this without praying about it first and without making sure it was the best thing for our family, and I said yes because I love him and the things that make him happy make me happy and for reasons I may never understand Marshall loves being in the military it's like it's in his blood its part of who he is. Being his wife is who I am, it's what I am about my proudest moments in life are when I am standing beside him when hes in his uniform I think I stand a little taller :) So I said yes, and here we are bags are being packed power of attorney papers are being written up, tears are being shed and memories are being made, and oddly I am feeling okay like maybe just maybe I am stronger than I was when he deployed the first time and maybe I want completely fall apart when the bus does pull away because  know he is not alone. God is with him and God is with me so I am choosing to wipe my tears and stand tall and say to this deployment BRING IT!!!!! I have my big girl pants on and I am ready for you. And when the buses roll back in I will be standing there waiting on my soldier ready to assume my position by his side:)